Historic Hilton Trust
Community Heritage support
Our Charity helps raise funds through various community activities and initiatives. We’d love for you to get involved with us. We depend on your support in order to improve our knowledge and understanding of our local histories and to make sure our precious heritage is passed on to new generations. Join us today to learn all about volunteering and finding out about the amazing area in which we live.

A Brief History....
Two of our members, Hugh and Betty, recorded a podcast in May 2022 for the Highland Objects site. It gives a great overview of the history of the trust and of the stone itself - all in 10 minutes
What We Do

Our Causes

Community work
Supporting our villages
We are working hard to network with other areas to develop our cultural heritage and community links. We have recently met with Highland Development Trust and are looking to support the re-branding of the pictish Trail. Additionally, we have met with other Historic sites in the area to ensure we are all working together, pulling our community towards better services and understanding of our wonderful sites.

Excavation and support
One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable elements of our site are protected. We are therefore looking to excavate further to find out whether more examples of our history are resting on the St Mary's Chapel site. This can only take place if field reports are gathered which examines new knowledge and information. Ideally, we will gain the support of external academic organisations to allow us to examine our scheduled site. This will be expensive so we are looking towards donation and fund raising to finance this endeavor.

Education and Learning
Helping Others take our past into their future
One of our main causes here at Historic Hilton Trust is to bring our history into the current day. We will visit schools and offer workshops that explore the elements gathered at our site and in the wider area. We will work with other community members to ensure our history is preserved and explored by the younger generation. Our initial work will be with primary schools and we will branch out to other elements trying to bring the young and old together.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh

Contact Us

Fund Raising
Excavation of Chapel Site

Our Aims
The purposes of HHT as extracted from our Constitution are :---
1. To promote the advancement of Hilton Pictish Heritage in local, national and international communities2. To liaise with other groups or individuals in the promotion of the heritage of the East Ross Peninsula3. To engage with local communities in the archaeological activities/ initiatives relating to our Pictish Heritage4. To engage with educational establishments to increase awareness of the important history/heritage of the East Ross Peninsula5. To liaise and work in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland, National Museum Scotland and other relevant groups to achieve an archaeological dig on the Hilton of Cadboll Chapel Site.6. To acquire a suitable building to house examples of our historical heritage/artifacts, eg base of Hilton Stone.7. To fundraise as necessary to achieve the above objectives.

Hilton of Cadboll Stone Donations
One of the main reasons Historic Hilton Trust was founded, was to find a dedicated resting place for the most famous cross slab stone in Scotland. We successfully retained the base of the stone. We’ve dedicated a lot of man-hours and invested countless resources to this cause, and we hope you’ll help us continue this work. We hope to raise funds to promote our local finds and history, keeping up to date with new technologies. See how you can by contacting us below.

Opportunities to help
One of our main causes here at Historic Hilton Trust is Volunteer Opportunities. We have many aspects to our Trust and would welcome any enthusiastic helpers to join with us. See how you can help by reading more or contacting one of our representatives.

Picts in the Park - longest day celebration in Hilton 2022
One of our goals is to ensure that the Hilton Stone is taken care of in the future. With your generous donations and volunteering efforts, you have the capacity to help us in our endeavor by supporting our second public event.
Picts in the Park 2 will be held on June 24th 2022 with BBQ and live music. It will be held at Hilton stone and supported by local community businesses. Contact us to learn more.